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Elisabetta Scicchitano



Elisabetta Scicchitano (1954-2021) est décédée le 11 novembre 2021, à l’âge de 67 ans, conjoint de feu Alessandro Vitullo.

La famille acceuillera parents et amis au complexes funéraires Urgel Bourgie, 6700 rue Beaubien E., Montréal, QC H1M3E3. Heures de visites: mardi 16 novembre 2021 de 14h00 à 17h00 et de 19h00 à 21h00.

Les funérailles auront lieu le mercredi 17 novembre 2021 à 10h00, à l’adresse suivante: Église St-Brendan’s au 3542 Boul. Rosemont, Montréal, QC H1X1K8. Parents et amis sont priés d’y assister sans autre invitation.

André Tremblay et Helene Lavoie

16 / 11 / 2021

Elisabeth, tu a occupée une place très importante dans nos vies! Tu as été pour nous une très bonne amie ,dévouée et toujours de bonne humeur.Tu aimait tellement la vie et avait toujours pleins de projets.Tu resteras à jamais dans nos coeurs et dans nos souvenirs.Nous t'aimonsXXXX

Vittoria Infantino

16 / 11 / 2021

My condolences to the family.


16 / 11 / 2021

My Dear Dear friend. What a model of strong, determined and loyal woman you were for me. You changed me in a way. Your kindness and ability at not judging people no matter what is exceptional. I will miss you. Will miss our long discussion over tea or coffee...and vino sometime!. I know you will meet again the love of your life. I could tell after all these years, you missed him like first day. That is the only peace I am getting of you being gone. I am so lucky that you made a place for me in your life. Your children will pursue your legacy I am sure. Each day of my life, I will think of you and what you brought into my life. I promise to keep on going to opera and OSM and MBAM with you in my hearth. XX Rest my Dear friend.

Carol and Brett Stanger

17 / 11 / 2021

Elizabeth, I remember first meeting you with Andre and Helene and you helping us with the French. The laughs when 3 of us were on What's Up gives us fond memories. You inspired me as we both were fighting a nasty cancer. Covid separated us but not in our hearts!Condolences to your children and rest of the family. You are at peace. Love you and will miss you very much!


24 / 11 / 2021

Tu auras toujours un place particulière dans mon coeur. Je ne serais pas la femme que je suis aujourd'hui, si ce n'était de tes conseils... Repose en paix XX