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Mark Cummins



À Longueuil est décédé le 31 octobre 2018, à l'âge de 70 ans, Monsieur Mark Cummins, époux de Susan Hunt.

Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil parents et amis.

Sylvie Benard

07 / 03 / 2019

Chère Suzy, Je tiens à vous offrir mes vœux de condoléances suite au décès de votre conjoint. Vous m’avez enseigné la danse exercice à St-Bruno. Je sais que vous êtes une grande passionnée et amoureuse de la vie et des gens. Toute ma sympathie en ces moments difficiles et bon courage.

Barbara-Ann Bergeron

05 / 04 / 2019

I am so very, very sorry to hear that Mark passed. He saved my life when I was 14yrs old when I first met him in high school, at MacDonald Cartier high school which is now Heritage high school. A very good friend introduced us and he ended up being my personal psychologist for the entirity of my high school years. He met with my parent's, my brother, and I to help me to cope with my severe depression. My regret is that I didn't try to contact him as an adult to let him know how very much he helped me and that I am still here on earth and not one of the dearly departed that I was so anxious to become. To his family, I am so very sorry for your loss and I hope that you may be comforted to know that he helped me, my family and the many other clients that he saw.