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Mark Cummins



Dr. Mark Sill Cummins passed away on Halloween night in the arms of his loving wife at their home in St. Bruno, QC.

He will be fondly remembered by his wife, Susan Hunt Cummins (Susie) and children, Colin Hunt Cummins and Emily Cummins-Woods (Alice Robinette-Woods) and his grandchildren Benjamin and Daniel Woods, his brothers Bruce Cummins (Chicago) and Paul Cummins and wife Melanie (Virginia), his brother-in-law and sister-in-law Johnny and Joann Hunt (Pennsylvania) as well as all the friends, extended family, colleagues, students and clients who were touched by the the life and lessons of an inspiring man.

A professor at McGill and Dawson College for almost 40 years, Mark's students loved his sense of humour and thorough teaching methods. He saw the potential in them and expected them to work hard and achieve that potential. He also became a clinical psychologist early on with a dedicated client base in both St. Bruno and in Montreal. He was recognized as one of the three top marriage counsellors in Montreal, truly loving his work and caring about his clients' journeys. Mark was still seeing clients up until the end.

Please join his family in a celebration of his life at the Royal Canadian Legion, 1622 Rue Roberval, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, QC, November 10th, at 2pm, followed by refreshments.

In lieu of gifts, we would gratefully encourage you to offer your support to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, any animal rescue service or a charity of your choice.

Sylvie Benard

07 / 03 / 2019

Chère Suzy, Je tiens à vous offrir mes vœux de condoléances suite au décès de votre conjoint. Vous m’avez enseigné la danse exercice à St-Bruno. Je sais que vous êtes une grande passionnée et amoureuse de la vie et des gens. Toute ma sympathie en ces moments difficiles et bon courage.

Barbara-Ann Bergeron

05 / 04 / 2019

I am so very, very sorry to hear that Mark passed. He saved my life when I was 14yrs old when I first met him in high school, at MacDonald Cartier high school which is now Heritage high school. A very good friend introduced us and he ended up being my personal psychologist for the entirity of my high school years. He met with my parent's, my brother, and I to help me to cope with my severe depression. My regret is that I didn't try to contact him as an adult to let him know how very much he helped me and that I am still here on earth and not one of the dearly departed that I was so anxious to become. To his family, I am so very sorry for your loss and I hope that you may be comforted to know that he helped me, my family and the many other clients that he saw.