Our current health system supports and cares for patients quickly and efficiently. Yet after death, the sense of urgency all but vanishes. In other words, once a person’s status changes from patient to deceased, they seem to lose their value as a human being. Why is that?
A person doesn’t cease to exist once they pass away. They may no longer live inside their body, but they certainly live on in their contributions to life and in the memories of the people who cared for them.Why then does a deceased person deserve less respect than one who is dying?
Does the fact that you can interact with a person who is dying hold more value than the impact their life will leave behind once they have passed away? The answer is no. A deceased human being holds the same value as a living one. And we have a duty to treat the deceased with the same level of humanity we reserve for the living.
How then can we change the way people think? Our society does not currently recognize the status of the deceased. A citizen who is living one day and deceased the next is—for want of a better word—abandoned. To ensure dignity after death, we must recognize the utility and merits of burials. A fitting place of rest is a final mark of respect and should be available to everyone.
This, of course, is especially true in our industry. It is our duty to ensure the deceased are treated with dignity at each stage of the funeral process. We are certified by the BNQ (Bureau de normalisation du Québec), which is a badge of honour reflecting the professionalism of our services, from transporting the body to privacy, compliance with laws and regulations, and ensuring our employees receive adequate training.
We strive to serve you with integrity and humanity, because as far as we are concerned, dignity in death is not an option, it’s a right.